Join 'Find Your Rhythm':

A 5-Day Rock-Inspired Challenge

To help you stop constantly

feeling you're always behind.

Because you can't action all those brilliant ideas quick enough.

Even though you have the most amazing plans all laid out...

I know!

Join 'Find Your Rhythm':

A 5-Day Rock-Inspired Challenge

To help you stop constantly

feeling you are always behind

Because you can't action all those

brilliant ideas quick enough.

Even though you have the most amazing plans

all laid out...I know!

You don't need to have ADHD to be here, but it certainly helps..!

You don't need to have ADHD to be here, but it certainly helps..!

If you’ve ever felt out of sync with your tasks, overwhelmed by distractions, or just stuck in a creative rut, then Find Your Rhythm is the backstage pass you need to turn up the volume on your life and business.


This free, 5-day challenge is designed specifically for those of you with ADHD who want to tune your daily productivity, find your focus, and create a business which truly resonates with your own needs.

If you’ve ever felt out of sync with your tasks, overwhelmed by distractions, or just stuck in a creative rut, then Find Your Rhythm is the backstage pass you need to turn up the volume on your life and business.


This free, 5-day challenge is designed specifically for those of you with ADHD who want to tune your daily productivity, find your focus, and create a business which truly resonates with your own needs.


YOU THRIVE under pressure but regularly crash and need to withdraw from everything around you because there is so much unwanted noise?

You're not ordinary - so why do you keep trying to be part of ordinary spaces?

The problem is this:

YOU'RE FED UP working so hard to make your business profitable, ON YOUR OWN, and keep telling yourself you aren't good enough.

Here's what that looks like:

You're stuck in an endless loop of researching, learning, and planning. Thinking, "where the hell do I even start!"

You're struggling to focus on the tasks which matter, and get paralysed when it comes to prioritising and taking action.

YOU JUST WANT the right support from someone who understands business and knows how your brain works.

Here's what we're going to do...

(Don't worry, I've been there, and this challenge is going to ROCK!:)

Get back to waking up feeling motivated every day!

Turn those amazing ideas into actions and complete them!

Enjoy seeing more sales in the bank!

This is not a 'scarcity thing', I have ADHD, who knows when I'll run this again!


YOU THRIVE under pressure but regularly crash and need to withdraw from everything around you because there is so much unwanted noise?

You're not ordinary - so why do you keep trying to be part of ordinary spaces?

The problem is this:

YOU'RE FED UP working so hard to make your business profitable, ON YOUR OWN, and keep telling yourself you aren't good enough.

Here's what that looks like:

You're stuck in an endless loop of researching, learning, and planning. Thinking, "where the hell do I even start!"

You're struggling to focus on the tasks which matter, and get paralysed when it comes to prioritising and taking action.

YOU JUST WANT the right support from someone who understands business and knows how your brain works.

Here's what we're going to do...

(Don't worry, I've been there,

and this challenge is going to ROCK!:)

Get back to waking up feeling motivated every day!

Turn those amazing ideas into actions & complete them!

Enjoy seeing more sales in the bank!

This is not a 'scarcity thing', I have ADHD,

who knows when I'll run this again!

In Just A FEW Minutes A Day - no long evening lives!

Amp Up Your Focus and Productivity

Why join 'Find Your Rhythm'?

Tailored for Your ADHD Mind

This isn't your typical productivity challenge. The daily task is crafted to align with how the ADHD brain thrives, incorporating elements of rock music to energise and inspire you.

Manageable Daily Actions

Forget overwhelming lists and complex strategies. This challenge breaks down key productivity principles into bite-sized, actionable tasks to complete within minutes.

Supportive Community

Rock your challenge with a crowd of fans cheering you on! Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who understand your journey and celebrate your wins.

In Just A FEW Minutes A Day - no long evening lives!

Amp Up Your Focus

and Productivity

Why join 'Find Your Rhythm'?

Tailored for Your ADHD Mind

This isn't your typical productivity challenge. The daily task is crafted to align with how the ADHD brain thrives, incorporating elements of rock music to energise and inspire you.

Manageable Daily Actions

Forget overwhelming lists and complex strategies. This challenge breaks down key productivity principles into bite-sized, actionable tasks to complete within minutes.

Supportive Community

Rock your challenge with a crowd of fans cheering you on! Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who understand your journey and celebrate your wins.


What You’ll Gain When You Join

The Free Challenge Today!

New levels of productivity and focus, with a side of rock 'n' roll flair!

What's included each day:

An upbeat shot of music motivation to start your day feeling inspired.

A creative task preparing your brain for a unique transformative journey.

Guidance from me to help you challenge your usual daily habits.

An option for additional support with other like-minded ADHDers.

Normally: £1,000,000,000 🤣

Today: 100% FREE

Of Course...!


What You’ll Gain When You Join

The Free Challenge Today!

New levels of productivity and focus, with a side of rock 'n' roll flair!

What's included each day:

An upbeat shot of music motivation to start your day feeling inspired.

A creative task preparing your brain for a unique transformative journey.

Guidance from me to help you challenge your usual daily habits.

An option for additional support with other like-minded ADHDers.

Normally: £1,000,000,000 🤣

Today: 100% FREE

Of Course...!


This Challenge Has The Power to Transform

Your Entire Business (And Life)

Join "Find Your Rhythm" today and turn these 'before' scenarios into 'after' successes.

It's time to amp up your life and work to a soundtrack which inspires and empowers you.

Before the Challenge

Easily distracted by every notification, conversation, or even your own thoughts, making it hard to focus.

Feeling alone in your struggle to manage ADHD related challenges in work and personal projects.

Often feeling unmotivated or directionless, without a clear reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Experiencing spikes and drops in productivity, without understanding how to manage energy levels.

Working in a cluttered space which doesn’t reflect your needs or inspire productivity.

After the Challenge

Equipped with strategies to manage and minimise distractions, enhancing your ability to concentrate.

Connected with a community who resonate with your experiences, offer support and celebrate your wins.

Motivated daily by your own personal anthem; a powerful tool to ignite your drive and passion.

Understanding your natural rhythms and knowing how to schedule tasks to match your peak energy times.

Enjoying a workspace that’s tuned to your specific needs, making it a haven for focus and creativity.

Hi I'm Kate, and I have an ADHD brain.

My journey to where I am today hasn't been straightforward or easy. It's been a series of steps, some forward, some sideways, and a few back; mostly in thick mud.

I've had to navigate the challenges of an ADHD brain—dealing with cognitive dysfunction, impaired working memory, and the struggle of not fitting in anywhere. This combination made planning a clear path forward difficult, as my future self seemed disconnected from my present; I was constantly firefighting.

I wish I’d known back then I had ADHD.

The Strategy Success Lab was born out of this journey. It's more than a business; it's a place where I can support others who are navigating their own paths, many of whom are dealing with a neurodivergent brain, with the all too often frustrations and overwhelm of running an online business whilst simply trying to get through the day.

I've earned several qualifications in my quest, including Social Work, Psychology and Linguistics, NLP, Hypnosis, Marketing, Business, and Intercultural Communication.

My approach is rooted firstly in understanding and empathy, informed by my own experiences of feeling lost and undervalued, and thinking it was always my fault.

Hi I'm Kate, and I have an ADHD brain.

My journey to where I am today hasn't been straightforward or easy. It's been a series of steps, some forward, some sideways, and a few back; mostly in thick mud.

I've had to navigate the challenges of an ADHD brain—dealing with cognitive dysfunction, impaired working memory, and the struggle of not fitting in anywhere. This combination made planning a clear path forward difficult, as my future self seemed disconnected from my present; I was constantly firefighting.

I wish I’d known back then I had ADHD.

The Strategy Success Lab was born out of this journey. It's more than a business; it's a place where I can support others who are navigating their own paths, many of whom are dealing with a neurodivergent brain, with the all too often frustrations and overwhelm of running an online business whilst simply trying to get through the day.

I've earned several qualifications in my quest, including Social Work, Psychology and Linguistics, NLP, Hypnosis, Marketing, Business, and Intercultural Communication.

My approach is rooted firstly in understanding and empathy, informed by my own experiences of feeling lost and undervalued, and thinking it was always my fault.


This Challenge Has The Power to Transform Your Entire Business (And Life)

Join "Find Your Rhythm" today and turn these 'before' scenarios into 'after' successes.

It's time to amp up your life and work to a soundtrack which inspires and empowers you.

Before the Challenge

Easily distracted by every notification, conversation, or even your own thoughts, making it hard to focus.

Feeling alone in your struggle to manage ADHD related challenges in work and personal projects.

Often feeling unmotivated or directionless, without a clear reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Experiencing spikes and drops in productivity, without understanding how to manage energy levels.

Working in a cluttered space which doesn’t reflect your needs or inspire productivity.

After the Challenge

Equipped with strategies to manage and minimise distractions, enhancing your ability to concentrate.

Connected with a community who resonate with your experiences, offer support and celebrate your wins.

Motivated daily by your own personal anthem; a powerful tool to ignite your drive and passion.

Understanding your natural rhythms and knowing how to schedule tasks to match your peak energy times.

Enjoying a workspace that’s tuned to your specific needs, making it a haven for focus and creativity.


Here's The Challenge Schedule

All you need to do is rock up in your own time...

Day 1: Setting the Stage

Like every great rock concert, we start by setting the stage for success.

Identifying your natural rhythm blockers is crucial for ADHDers to perform their best.

Day 2: Tune Your Instrument

In rock music, a well-tuned instrument is key to a stellar performance.

Tuning your business to match your ADHD needs will drastically improve your focus.

Day 3: Find Your Beat

Every rock song has a beat that drives it forward.

Finding your productivity beat is about discovering when you work best.

Day 4: Write Your Anthem

Rock anthems are powerful and memorable; they resonate with us.

Your personal anthem is your motivation - the reason you do what you do.

Day 5: Create Your Playlist

Enhancing your focus and enjoyment is just like a well-curated personal music playlist.

It harmonises your lifestyle to boost focus and productivity to prepare for successful encores.


Wednesday 29th May - Sunday 2nd June

(Whenever you wake up each day... 😉)


In a super secret location - true rave style!

(But probably the usual places online...🤓)


By rocking up on whatever device works!

(Plenty of options to make it easier... 😍)


Here's The Challenge Schedule

All you need to do is rock up in your own time...

Day 1: Setting the Stage

Like every great rock concert, we start by setting the stage for success.

Identifying your natural rhythm blockers is crucial for ADHDers to perform their best.

Day 2: Tune Your Instrument

In rock music, a well-tuned instrument is key to a stellar performance.

Tuning your business to match your ADHD needs will drastically improve your focus.

Day 3: Find Your Beat

Every rock song has a beat that drives it forward.

Finding your productivity beat is about discovering when you work best.

Day 4: Write Your Anthem

Rock anthems are powerful and memorable; they resonate with us.

Your personal anthem is your motivation - the reason you do what you do.

Day 5: Create Your Playlist

Enhancing your focus and enjoyment is just like a well-curated personal music playlist.

It harmonises your lifestyle to boost focus and productivity to prepare for successful encores.


Wednesday 29th May - Sunday 2nd June

(Whenever you wake up each day... 😉)


In a super secret location - true rave style!

(But probably the usual places online...🤓)


By rocking up on whatever device works!

(Plenty of options to make it easier... 😍)


Here's The Challenge Schedule

All you need to do is rock up in your own time...

Day 1: Setting the Stage

Like every great rock concert, we start by setting the stage for success. Identifying your natural rhythm blockers is crucial for ADHDers to perform their best.

Day 2: Tune Your Instrument

In rock music, a well-tuned instrument is key to a stellar performance. Tuning your business to match your ADHD needs will drastically improve focus.

Day 3: Find Your Beat

Every rock song has a beat that drives it forward. Finding your productivity beat is about discovering when you work best.

Day 4: Write Your Anthem

Rock anthems are powerful and memorable; they resonate with us. Your personal anthem is your motivation - the reason you do what you do.

Day 5: Create Your Playlist

Enhancing your focus and enjoyment is just like a well-curated personal music playlist. It harmonises your lifestyle to boost focus and productivity to prepare for successful encores.


Wednesday 29th May - Sunday 2nd June

(Whenever you wake up each day... 😉)


In a super secret location - true rave style!

(But probably the usual places online...🤓)


By rocking up on whatever device works!

(Plenty of options to make it easier... 😍)


Join The Challenge Now!

Find your individual pace and rhythm for work and personal life before you can't...


Join The Challenge Now!

Find your individual pace and rhythm for

work and personal life before you can't...